About Us
Passion For Koalas
Ricardo, founder of ‘Help Save the Wildlife and Bushlands in Campbelltown’, started his quest to save the koalas and other unique Wildlife and Bushlands in Campbelltown region over 3 years ago when he met his first koala in Smiths Creek Reserve, Ruse. The koalas name was Alexis and sadly, she has since passed on, may she R.I.P. Alexis’ sighting over 3 years ago has made Ricardo see what dangers our localdisease free koalas have to face on a daily basis in the area with wildlife corridors and habitat loss in Campbelltown pushing our wildlife into suburbia, putting them at risk of dog attacks and hit by cars due to over development and development not done properly, to protect our precious koalas and other wildlife . Ricardo has promised to fight and protect the beautiful koalas and other Wildlife and Bushlands in the Campbelltown region for as long as he exists.